The Library Loves Luna

December 18, 2023
Luna and students
Library Dean Scott Walter, students and Luna, SDSU's official therapy dog, take a study break in the library.

While most students do not look forward to finals, many do look forward to Luna’s visits to the library during finals week. Luna is SDSU’s official therapy dog. She helps her human, Cristina Antonucci, in the SDSU Counseling & Psychological Services office, plus makes regular visits to spots around campus to give students a minute of stress relief through a game of fetch or a gentle stroke. During finals she comes to the library as part of the library’s efforts to make finals just a little less stressful for students. Around her anticipated arrival time you can find students lurking around, just waiting for her to come down the stairs with her head held high, a jaunty wag of her tail, and carrying her favorite ball.

In addition to visits from Luna, the library also provides a study break table stocked with free snacks, earplugs, and stickers. By the time finals week is over we will have given away about 1,500 granola bars and an equal number of earplugs. We have games, puzzles and coloring pages for the students to use for a study break. This year Associated Students leadership also created affirmation sticky notes for students to take to remind them to “hang in there”, “breathe”, and that “they can do this”. We also collaborated with Counseling & Psychological Services to add tips for a healthy finals season to our digital signs and the screen savers on all of the library computers to encourage students to take care of themselves during this stressful week.

You can follow Luna on her instagram feed @lunaandbaxSDSU and find out more of what is going on in the library @SDSULibrary.

Luna and student

Luna and Cristina

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