Accessibility Services

The Library provides access to materials and services for SDSU students, faculty, and staff, as well as researchers in the broader community. This webpage contains information on physical and digital accessibility in the Library, with links to relevant campus resources.

Physical Accessibility

The two entrances to the Library are the Dome, which connects the Library Addition and Love Library, and the Student Computing Hub, technically on the 2nd floor of Love Library, although actually on the ground level. Entering the Dome from the east side of campus will require use of a ramp, which is to the south, next to Manchester Hall.


Most room numbers, restrooms and exit signs have braille.


  • One elevator in the Dome, serving the basement, 1st floor, and 2nd floor/main entrance.
  • One elevator in the Library Addition, serving the basement, 1st floor, 2nd floor, and 4th floor. Note: the 3rd floor is part of Manchester Hall, and not accessible through the Library.
  • Four elevators in Love Library, serving the 1st floor through 5th floor.

ADA-Compliant Restrooms

All women's, men's, and the gender neutral restroom (2nd floor of the Library Addition) are ADA-compliant.

Retrieving Books

  • Many of our book stacks are not accessible for wheelchair users.
  • Materials may be requested through OneSearch. Tips on placing holds.
  • Pick up your materials at the Circulation Desk (1st floor Dome) during library hours or in the book lockers outside the library 24/7.
  • Problems? Email [email protected], call 619-594-6793, or ask at the Circulation Desk.

Adjustable-Height Work Tables

  • Seven adjustable tables with PC computers in the Student Computing Hub, and two without computers.
  • Adjustable tables without computers in Research Services, 1st floor Library Addition.


All print stations are accessible for wheelchair users.

Book-eye Scanners

The book-eye scanners in the Student Computing Hub, Research Services, and the 4th floor of Love Library are not adjustable, but are at a suitable height for wheelchair users.


None of our copiers are at a suitable height for wheelchair users.

Digital Accessibility

Campus Resources

Contact Us

University Library
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-8050