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SDSU original content such as theses and dissertations, course syllabi, course catalogs, commencement programs, student newspapers, and yearbooks. And other digitized archival photos, video, and audio recordings.
Discover rare and valuable books, periodicals, manuscripts, and documents which require preservation, security, and care in handling.
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Material that supports African American and African diaspora research and teaching across the curriculum

Books and periodicals covering the wide spectrum of environmental, political, and historical issues affecting the Imperial Valley and Mexicali Border region

Books, pamphlets, clippings and other ephemera documenting Chicano history and culture

More than 100,000 published comics in addition to archival collections and ephemera, mini-comics and zines, cartoons in historic magazines, and a modest amount of original comic art

An international, multicultural contemporary teaching and historical research collection including picture books and young adult literature