Support the Library
A Gift to The University Library Supports All Students
Ask alumni where they studied as students at SDSU and they’ll likely tell you “the Library.” The iconic glass dome of the University Library is the entry point to a wealth of physical and digital resources, state-of-the-art technology and a variety of flexible spaces to study, create and collaborate.
Overseeing these resources is an exceptional team of library faculty and staff. During this COVID pandemic, these Library professionals are constantly innovating to meet the evolving information, curricular and research needs to support faculty research and student success.
Here's How You Can Help
Make an impact on student success with a gift to one of these key University Library funds:

Comic Arts Fund
The SDSU Comic Arts Collection includes more than 100,000 published comics in addition to archival collections and ephemera, mini-comics and zines, cartoons in historic magazines, and a modest amount of original comic art.

Digital Content and Technology Fund
Help fund e-books, online databases and other digital resources to enable students and faculty to continue their studies and research.

Dean's Excellence Fund

Africana Studies Collection
Support the Africana Studies Collection with a gift of any amount to support the purchase of books and other materials.

Special Collections Support Fund
Help us to collect, process, preserve, digitize, and provide access to our most treasured collections.

Student Assistant Fund
Help us employ the many students who help keep the Library humming while earning much needed income and resume-worthy work experience.
Rebecca Williamson, Public Affairs, Communications and Marketing, SDSU Library
Ways to Give
Simply click here to make a gift now, or to make a pledge and set up a payment plan.
Make payable to:
“The Campanile Foundation”, and indicate “Library” in the note line, along with the area you wish to support.
Mail to:
The Campanile Foundation
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego CA 92182-1968
Contact us to discuss:
- A Multi-Year Pledge using cash, credit cards, securities or other assets.
- A Gift of Securities, including stocks, bonds and mutual funds.
- An Estate Gift that enables you to support the library while benefiting from specific tax advantages and income streams.
- A Gift-In-Kind of papers, manuscripts, photos, or other materials that will help us expand our collections.