Services for Graduate Students

The Library provides support to graduate students in the areas of collections and research.

Library Purchase Request Form Recommend material that you feel should be added to the library collection. 

OneSearch (direct link) OneSearch provides access to the Library's holdings, including results from nearly 200 journal database packages. Graduate students may check out books for a semester, with one renewal. More about borrowing services.

Borrow from other libraries

  • Circuit is the San Diego-wide borrowing system for books.
  • CSU+ is the CSU-wide system for books and media, which you can access thru OneSearch.
  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is for books, articles, and media.

Graduate Student Tools Useful resources such as SAGE Research Methods tutorials and videos and information on grants and fellowships from Pivot.

Citation Management Tools Learn more about the SDSU recommended software packages (both free and fee) for keeping tracking of all your articles, books, etc.

Research Data Services Tools and services to help you manage your research data, including the DMPTool.

Remote Access Graduate students may access library resources from off-campus, after authenticating with your SDSUid and password.

Find Your Subject Librarian Find the librarian with expertise in your subject area and make an appointment for a research consultation.

Subject Guides Librarians have developed subject-specific research guides, with links to relevant subject databases and related resources.

Literature Review Guide Steps in a comprehensive literature review, including tips on systematic reviews.

Publishing Your Thesis or Dissertation