Services for Undergraduates

The Library provides support to undergraduates in the areas of research & study, collections, technology, library centers, and life skills.

Textbooks and Course Reserves Access to common course-related materials, such as textbooks, with a short loan period.

Group Study Rooms Groups of 3 or more may reserve a study room. Other rooms are available on a walk-in basis.

Tutoring Centers The Writing Center, the Math/Stats Center, and Supplemental Instruction are key Library partners.

Remote Access Undergrads may access library resources from off-campus, after authenticating with your SDSUid and password.

Find Your Subject Librarian Find the librarian with expertise in your subject area and make an appointment for a research consultation.

Subject Guides Librarians have developed subject-specific research guides, with links to relevant subject databases and related resources.

Tutorials Quick tutorials on a wide variety of topics to help you become a better researcher.

OneSearch (direct link) OneSearch provides access to millions of items in our collection, including results from nearly 200 journal database packages.  Undergrads may check out books for a semester, with one renewal. More about borrowing services.

Borrow from other libraries

  • Circuit is the San Diego-wide borrowing system for books.
  • CSU+ is the CSU-wide system for books and media, which you can access thru OneSearch.
  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is for books, articles, and media.

SDSU Syllabus Collection Find recent syllabi for participating SDSU colleges and departments.

Computers Use a workstation in the Student Computing Hub (2nd floor Love Library), and get help with software/hardware.

Printing Print in either black & white or color, plus specialized print jobs such as posters. Also, copy, scan, and fax.

buildIT A student-run makerspace designed to foster creativity and innovation. Located on the 2nd floor of Love Library.

Digital Humanities Center Home to the Digital Humanities Initiative, which takes a critical stance towards digital technology and focuses its work on equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice. Located in the basement of the Dome.

Career and Job Resources A guide to help you explore careers, find jobs and internships, prepare for your interview, and prepare for your salary negotiation.

Financial Literacy Resources on personal finance, including credit cards, taxing, investing, and health insurance.