University Library Dean Scott Walter Appointed to Board of Library Commissioners

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria has appointed Library Dean Scott Walter to the Board of Library Commissioners for the San Diego Public Library (SDPL). Dean Walter expressed his appreciation to the Mayor for making this appointment and noted how excited he is to continue his engagement with San Diego’s public libraries as a member of the Board. “Since arriving in San Diego in 2020,” Walter said, “I have been able to work with our SDPL colleagues as a member of the San Diego Circuit (a consortium of academic and public libraries across San Diego County) and as part of longstanding partnerships between SDSU and SDPL, including One Book, One San Diego. Both as a San Diego librarian and as a San Diego Public Library Card holder, I am eager to continue working with my colleagues to promote the value of the public library to the City and its residents.”
The Board of Library Commissioners consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Each member serves a two-year term. The Board is responsible for considering all policy matters regarding the development and operation of the City's Library system and serves in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and City Council.
In his letter of appointment, Mayor Gloria said, “Dr. Walter is a leader in library consortia and professional associations, he has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois, Catholic Research Resources Alliance, Library Publishing Coalition, and Chicago Collections, and as Councilor-at-Large of the American Library Association and Americas Regional Council representative to the OCLC Global Council.” Wendy Urushima-Conn, Chair of the Board of Library Commissioners, said that “We are thrilled to have Dr. Scott Walter join our Board. His commitment to education, business acumen, and passion for libraries will be a great addition to our board.”
Congratulations Dean Walter.