Books from the Tanzer Endowment for Art Education

September 12, 2024
Select titles on art education

The J.L. and Joann Tanzer Art Education fund is an endowment created "to improve and enrich the materials available in the Library at SDSU relating to the teaching of art... Emphasis shall be on materials focusing on, but not limited to, K-12 education." 

Thanks to this generous donation, we've been actively purchasing books on art education. You can find them in OneSearch through a Collection Name search for Tanzer Endowment for Art Education.

Right now we have 22 books in this collection. Titles range from Art education for a sustainable planet : embracing ecopedagogy in K-12 classrooms to Everyday STEAM for the early childhood classroom : integrating the arts into STEM teaching to A history of disability and art education and more! 

If you have suggestions for books to add to this collection, please contact Laurel Bliss, Fine Arts Librarian, at [email protected] or fill out our Purchase Request Form.