Digital Humanities Center Events

About our Events

Our events and programs continue to center care for our community by providing a range of in-person, hybrid, and fully virtual modalities. Recordings of most of our virtual and hyrbid events are posted to the DH Initiative YouTube Channel for asynchronous engagement. You can also catch up on anything you missed from Fall 2020 through Spring 2023 at our Teaching Beyond Quarantine website.

2024-2025 Event Highlights

This year, the Digital Humanities Center is partnering to host several major conferences, including the International Visual Literacy Association's annual meeting (Fall 2024) and the International Comic Arts Forum (Spring 2025). This fall also brings our first multimodal exhibit, Voices from the Inside, an interactive multimodal art exhibit intended to engage visitors in conversations around self-portraiture and poetry, representation and trauma, and, ultimately mass incarceration and gender-based violence, run in partnership with Poetic Justice.

Annual Digital Humanities Showcases

Our Digital Humanities Showcase is a celebratory exhibition of the creative-critical digital work happening at SDSU. All members of the SDSU community are invited to share their works at any stage of development, from initial design to completed project. We'll be sharing details for our 2025 showcase soon.

Thanks to all who joined us for 2024 annual Digital Humanities Showcase and Electronic Literature Competition on Friday, May 3, 2024 from 10am-12pm. Check out the compilation video of our 2024 Digital Humanities Showcase, created by Patrick Flanigan

2024 Digital Humanities Showcase Poster
Digital Poster for 2024 Digital Humanities Showcase

Check out the compilation video of our 2023 Digital Humanities Showcase, created by Patrick Flanigan


Digital Humanities 2022-2023 Showcase Summary

DH Activities & Events

There are no Digital Humanities Center events currently scheduled, check back soon!

Virtual Workshops

The Digital Humanities Center proudly launched several new virtual workshop series beginning in 2020-2021, including a five-part podcasting workshop series (re-booted in Fall 2023), a two-part ethical data workshop series, and a two-part digital humanities pedagogy workshop series. All workshop recordings are available on the DH@SDSU YouTube channel

Make sure to check out the DH Center's self-paced tutorials for a range of other tools. Additional resources are available on our Digital Humanities LibGuide

Explore our Resources

As always, DH Center staff are still available for consultations and DH support. Email us at [email protected] or [email protected]

Have an idea for an event or workshop you'd like to see in the center? We'd love to hear from you!

Contact us

Contact Us

Digital Humanities Center
Library Addition Room 61 (Dome Basement)