Welcome to the Gateway Collection

I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library – Jorge Luis Borges
Step into the library dome and go down the winding stairway on your left. Keep heading left and under the soft glow from the dome above you will find bookcases, cozy seating, and shelves filled with mystery, romance, fantasy, thriller, horror, biography, and much more.
The Library has introduced a new book collection for our campus community: The Gateway Collection. We’ve received so many requests for good books to read that we knew we had to make it happen. But we need your help to grow the collection. Browse the shelves and tell us what you like, and what you would like to see more of. You can let us know by filling out one of the print surveys on top of the shelves or by filling out the online form.
The story is truly finished–and meaning is made–not when the author adds the last period, but when the reader enters. – Celeste Ng
Books can make you laugh out loud, or bring back long forgotten memories. Books can bring both comfort and escape. Narrative and story are some of the best means of exploring new ideas and perspectives. Reading is also one of the best ways to calm anxiety, increase mindfulness, and improve your creativity. Reading for enjoyment helps you to develop skills for reading for your classes - which in turn improves your writing and critical thinking skills.
Books are a uniquely portable magic – Stephen King
We hope that this collection will bring you entertainment as well as new ideas, rest as well as reflection. To borrow a book all you need is your RedID. Happy reading!