Library Instruction Program

What we offer

The Library Instruction Program at San Diego State University offers instruction sessions to support student research and critical inquiry. Our interactive and hands-on instruction sessions help students to leverage their existing skills, develop critical thinking and information literacy, and take full advantage of the library’s vast services and print & digital resources. Instruction sessions can be held in your classroom or within a library classroom. Sessions can be scheduled in-person or online via Zoom.

A hands-on introduction to library services and research
An interactive introduction to library research. We will customize this session to match your research assignment
Research workshops on a variety of topics that students can attend outside of class time, and tours of the library 

If you are interested in specialized library instruction with a Subject librarian or Library Center you can reach out to them directly:

How to schedule:

Complete the request form for your preferred instruction type (detailed above).  Once submitted, a librarian will contact you to confirm the details. 

Lead time:

To allow for enough time to prepare for the session and ensure a room is available please submit your instruction requests at least two weeks prior to the session. 

Help your students to get the most out of library instruction:

We have found that there are a couple of things that help students to benefit most from a library instruction session:  
  • Students are familiar with the assignment before the session
  • Students have chosen a research topic, or few topics they are exploring  

If you have any questions contact our Instruction Librarian, Suzanne Maguire [email protected] 619-594-0193